What is your greatest business achievement?
Starting my own chocolate company! What began as a hobby unexpectedly grew into a thriving business, replacing my Soft Furnishings venture. My early experiments were far from refined—I didn’t stone-grind cacao for 38 hours, age it for a month, or fully understand tempering. I never imagined others would be interested in my unique take on chocolate-making, but I’ve been wonderfully surprised by the support and loyalty of my customers.
There have been some incredible highlights along the way—creating a Raspberry Beetroot Boost bar for a friend climbing Everest (beetroot supports endurance at high altitudes), receiving a surprise call from Charlie Bigham to make chocolates for his hampers, and hearing Chris Evans unwrap one of my Easter eggs live on his morning radio show! This journey has given me the confidence to keep pursuing my passion—crafting healthier, delicious chocolate for everyone.
What inspires the flavours of your chocolate?
I use only natural flavours in my chocolates, drawing inspiration from the world around me. I often start with flavours I love—like orange, raspberry, or coffee—and enhance them with textures such as activated nuts, buckwheat groats, or cacao nibs. I also
incorporate ingredients from my own garden whenever possible.
For example, my sugar-free salted apricots are topped with dehydrated apple from trees my son planted. When in season, I swap hazelnuts for homegrown cobnuts, and I even dry my own rose petals to decorate my Rose Chocolates. Every creation is a
reflection of nature’s flavours, crafted with care.